Tuesday 15 May 2012

A Thought on Possibilities and Love...

Almost 15 years ago I went to an introduction to a course that teaches you the reality of who your and and how you can be your own natural and powerful self.

Looking at life without always blaming circumstances and removing responsibility from the self, a journey in self-discovery, looking for possibilities instead of road-blocks and obstacles.

It was a great choice for me at that point in time!

I do apologise to anyone who on my journey felt a bit intimidated by the constant 'going-on-and-on-and-on' and my excitement about the programme.

Had I not completed the training I might not have ventured on this journey of life-changing possibilities and met with so many amazing people with a different perspective on life than the traditional ways you learn when you work in traditional business with traditional methods (no offence to anyone - I loved my work, I'm just extremely happy to be where I am now).

The course taught me about letting go of upsets and other people's stuff which I can't change even if I wanted to, it taught me that expectations are the root of many upsets and that it doesn't mean that it's wrong it only means that there are different ways of looking at 'what's there'...

Today I have an amazing business where I work with wonderful people from around the world, people who trust that I am the business partner and teacher they expect hahaha and I get the loveliest feedback on my trainings and workshops, I feel humbled and the sense of 'I'm not worthy' cos I learn, too, every time I teach and every time I meet new people.

The key is, that with an open mind, you meet people and relate to people in a loving way no matter the walk of life, circumstances, background and all that stuff we all bring with us.

Life unfolds in a magical way and although I don't know how everything ends in the end - I know that I choose to be happy and content with everything I have and have not at this moment in time!

My life is full of love, my love, my daughter, my family, my friends, laughter, and I firmly believe that it is all there for a reason - and the reason is not for me to cling onto it but to share it to the best of my ability, and grow with it and grow with love and in love!


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